Finally, a PR agency that has jumped on the iPod / iPhone app craze. Paver Smith is a UK PR agency who I had never heard of until today. They came out with an application for the iPhone that gives you free PR tips / advice every day. I think it's a great brand building effort. Not only do I think the app is useful for PR professionals (there's always something we need to be reminded about), but I think it's a good app for folks to tell their CXO's to download. I think executives embrace PR much more when they understand how it works, and this app is great for slow-feeding executives little facts about PR. Thumbs way up to PaverSmith for being the first to market (that I'm aware of) with a PR, iPhone app. If they show this kind of passion and innovation about their own brand, then that's the kind of agency I'd want to work with, so they've already left a lasting brand impression in my mind! Not to mention I'll be reading their tips every da...
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