Thought I'd take a moment on this Sunday afternoon to do a quick revisit of the variables I track regarding the recession we are in and whether such variables are getting better, worse, or unchanged. You can see my past posts on this topic here: Top 10 Reasons This Recession Will Never End Update 1 Update 2 Update 3 Now for Update 4: 1. Crashes hurt for a long time - worse - All you have to do is take a look at a six month chart of the DOW to see that the pain continues and is actually get worse. Every time the market finds an excuse to push back upwards, it inevitably comes to its senses and crashes back down, reflecting that the situation is not fixed and that no fix is really in sight. While corporate profits are stable in the US, employers have been laying people off, clearly demonstrating they do not see a recovery at hand. Nokia Siemens to lay off 17,000 worldwide Wall Street Layoffs Top 200,000 Ford Plans 4,000 Temporary Layoffs on Weak Dem...
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting it up and running so not much here other than the occasional post. I spend most of my time writing, but I hope to share some of my thoughts regarding my works as time goes on.