So I've been grading the RNC convention, from a PR perspective, as around a D. Last night was the final night of the convention and included Mitt Romney's keynote. So let's delve in to the final PR rating. Mitt Romney's keynote: B Mitt did a good job in his keynote. Much better than I thought he would. He personalized himself with stories of his past. He got the crowd to laugh a couple of times. He used religion heavily to make his points (something the GOP base will like). And he laid in to Obama in a 'nice cop' kind of way. He painted Obama as a good guy who got in way over his head and as a result the country suffered. The reason I didn't give him an A for his keynote is simple, it was all pandering and no substance. He says he's going to fix everything and create 12 million new jobs, but doesn't explain how he will do this. In essence, what he gave was a 2008 Obama 'Hope and Change' speech, except he used different wor...
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting it up and running so not much here other than the occasional post. I spend most of my time writing, but I hope to share some of my thoughts regarding my works as time goes on.