A while ago Warren Buffett bought a whack load of local newspapers . A lot of folks didn't understand the decision, but I always did. Local newspapers give you news you will not get from national outlets. National news you can get anywhere, most of it online for free. But local news you can only get from local news papers (with limited access online). If you want to know what is going on with a company, never ever turn to the national papers, always turn to the local papers. The local papers generally have real face-to-face relationships with the companies (and even some of their employees), whereas the national papers have generally only interacted with said companies over the phone or perhaps once or twice face-to-face. Those local relationships often result in news coverage that digs beneath the surface as to what is really going on. In light of this, the Ottawa Citizen proves my point with RIM. They had an interesting story today that states that RIM is limiting summer va...
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting it up and running so not much here other than the occasional post. I spend most of my time writing, but I hope to share some of my thoughts regarding my works as time goes on.