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Big thank you to all my readers!

Just wanted to thank all the recent readers that have read The Fall of Man series. You guys are the best. And thank you for the reviews and the kind emails. I'm really blown away when someone appreciates my books... I just wish life were a little less hectic so I could engage with folks more.
I've been pretty quiet lately (have a move coming up and there is always ten times as much work when moving than you think there will be). And it definitely doesn't help with getting in the writer's frame of mind. But that should all be over in the next couple weeks and life can return to normal.
Anyway, I'm hoping to start writing the follow up to Obey in November. I plan to write two final installments and provide a trilogy to that story. So we'll see when that's released. I'm thinking March/April 2018 if I release them both at once (still unsure about that, but we'll see).
I'll try to post here and blog a little in the coming months. October has been an eye-opener for me regarding the publishing industry. Suffice to say, I think not writing during October has provided me with a new outlook on the industry, and one that hopefully results in me producing my best work yet.
Again, sorry I've been so quiet lately. So much on the go that I'm trying to get off my plate so I can get writing again! (Been so busy I have no clue what Trump is even up to... my skin isn't burning so I'll assume no one has launched any nukes yet).


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