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Showing posts from March, 2017

New blog template...

Well look at this, blogger has finally implemented new template designs! As a result please expect this blog to be a bit of a mess for a while until I can figure out how to modify this new template so that it looks nice. Let's hope we can put something nifty together.

Recent Updates...

Hi Folks, Just a quick update. I'm finishing my touch-up cycle on my books (correcting minor errors). The following books are now updated. If you already have them and want the latest and greatest, you can update your ebook via your e-reader devices. Please note, there are no changes to the story. These are merely fixes for editing errors I've come across. The following books were updated in March: The Fall of Man: Days of Judgment The Fall of Man: System Crash The Fall of Man: A Fool's Requiem Obey

Days of Judgment - update available

For those who have recently downloaded Days of Judgment or for those who plan to read it again, please make sure to update your ebook on your e-reader device. A few errors have been correctly recently, so if you update you'll have the latest and greatest. For Kindle here are instructions for doing so. I'm currently in an update cycle and will be making updates to System Crash, A Fool's Requiem, Obey and A Manufactured Mind in the near future (hopefully this month). There is no new content to these updates, just corrections of small errors.