Commercials cost a lot of money to make which is why you rarely see ones that aren't variations on some tired old cliche. The obvious reason for this being it's far safer to merely tweak something you know already works than to take a shot at something unique and original.
That's why I love it when a company does something unique and original. Even if it's something very simple, it grabs your attention because when you see it you instantly think 'What is this? It's not like all the other commercials.'
Wheat Thins new commercial does just that.
Wheat Thins new commercial does just that.
It's light hearted, it's funny, it's cute.... it basically gives Wheat Thins that 'hip and fresh' (ugh, I hate those words, but can't think of different ones right now) feeling.
One of the issues with youth is that anything with the word 'wheat' in it is thought of as 'health food' and assumed to taste like cardboard. So connecting with their audience through comedy was a brilliant move on Wheat Thins part.
(full disclosure: I eat Wheat Thins now and then and have always like them. I'd rather Wheat Thins than potato chips that's for sure.)
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