I really like well done infographics, but the following video takes it a step further into video format with narration.
It's a great explanation about where the one per cent versus the 99 per cent narrative comes from.
The other thing I like about the video is that it's not aggressive.
Generally when it comes to the 1% vs 99% debate you have one side that argues the 'job creators' fuel the economy and shouldn't be attacked for being successful and the other side that argues the 'job creators' control the system (through lobbying, corporate monopolies, the legal system, funding campaigns, leveraging global labor pools and markets to drive down wages, financial services tailored to the rich, tax loopholes, and on and on) and as a result reap the benefits of the economy while others do not.
So as you can imagine it becomes very easy for the two sides to simply yell at each other:
"Don't envy the rich why don't you get off your lazy butt and BECOME one of the rich!"
"You have more money than you can ever spend in a 1,000 lifetimes while people are living in poverty and suffering!"
So what's nice about this video is that it doesn't get in to all of that. It calmly presents the facts and lets the viewer ultimate draw their own ideological conclusions.
Anyway, great little video that shows how graphics, video and narration can really put a shine and polish on a messaging strategy. And while taking a fair amount of skill to create a video like this, cost wise it's not expensive (provided you have the in-house talent at your disposal).
Also, whoever the graphic designer on this was did a great job. One of the biggest flaws with infographics is they can be very busy and hard on the eye, so creating a streamlined yet visually appealing design is key to audience engagement, something they've done successfully here.
Wealth Inequality in America
It's a great explanation about where the one per cent versus the 99 per cent narrative comes from.
The other thing I like about the video is that it's not aggressive.
Generally when it comes to the 1% vs 99% debate you have one side that argues the 'job creators' fuel the economy and shouldn't be attacked for being successful and the other side that argues the 'job creators' control the system (through lobbying, corporate monopolies, the legal system, funding campaigns, leveraging global labor pools and markets to drive down wages, financial services tailored to the rich, tax loopholes, and on and on) and as a result reap the benefits of the economy while others do not.
So as you can imagine it becomes very easy for the two sides to simply yell at each other:
"Don't envy the rich why don't you get off your lazy butt and BECOME one of the rich!"
"You have more money than you can ever spend in a 1,000 lifetimes while people are living in poverty and suffering!"
So what's nice about this video is that it doesn't get in to all of that. It calmly presents the facts and lets the viewer ultimate draw their own ideological conclusions.
Anyway, great little video that shows how graphics, video and narration can really put a shine and polish on a messaging strategy. And while taking a fair amount of skill to create a video like this, cost wise it's not expensive (provided you have the in-house talent at your disposal).
Also, whoever the graphic designer on this was did a great job. One of the biggest flaws with infographics is they can be very busy and hard on the eye, so creating a streamlined yet visually appealing design is key to audience engagement, something they've done successfully here.
Wealth Inequality in America
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