So this video has gone viral - it shows a golden eagle snatching up a baby in Montreal - and folks can't tell whether it's fake or not.
My two cents: It's fake people.
Reason why I think it's fake:
1) I live an hour from Montreal (in Ottawa) and I've never seen a bald eagle in Ottawa in my entire life. And I don't know anyone else who has ever seen a eagle either!
2) If you saw an eagle swoop down and snatch up a baby I'm pretty sure your reaction would be stronger than merely a mild 'Oh shit."
3) The guy filming is clearly French speaking (you can tell by his accent) so you would also think he'd swear in French
4) What are the odds that he just happens to be filming the eagle as it decides to swoop down and snatch the baby? Like 1,000 to 1.
5) And the real kicker... at the end of the video they have the music from the Chariots of Fire playing. If your baby almost got snatched up by an eagle I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be adding a catchy tune at the end of the video.
6) The video was uploaded on Dec 18th and we can assume this occurred in the past few days. Well, it's been snowing the past week in Ottawa (and Montreal gets the same weather as Ottawa). So there's no way the park would be all grassy the way it is in the video. The grass hasn't looked like that since November (if not October).
7) Why would the baby be sitting in the park completely unattended? Last I checked people don't turn their backs on their kid like that.
8) It's very convenient how the camera is locked on the eagle until the scene completes and then is pointed at the ground while the guy runs over.
While it's one heck of a video editing / CGI job, this video is 100 per cent fake!
Lesson: Just because you see it doesn't mean it happened.
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