So for those of you following world politics you know that Greece just held it's elections. Unfortunately I have to write this post quickly so I can't get in to all the implications (although they aren't good), but suffice to say the take away for me was that Greece's neonazi party - Golden Dawn - won seven per cent of the vote and are now part of the government.
I mean, wtf, the nazi's are back? Well, they aren't Hitler's Nazis, but still.
Anyway, here is the press conference they held after their 'victory'. Can you imagine holding a press conference and yelling at reporters to stand and show respect?
It's mind boggling this is what things are coming to. Yet as every era in history has shown us, when people are subjected to poverty and suffering (when they had a taste of decent living), they tend to rise up - sometimes under the leadership of someone good, and sometimes under the ravings of madmen.
A quick search on YouTube brings up some ominous videos foreshadowing the type of sentiment that backs this so-called neonazi Golden Dawn.
All I can say is Thank You Goldman Sachs and George Bush for screwing the world up so badly that the Nazis are now back on the scene (and by thank you I really mean F-You).
I mean, wtf, the nazi's are back? Well, they aren't Hitler's Nazis, but still.
Anyway, here is the press conference they held after their 'victory'. Can you imagine holding a press conference and yelling at reporters to stand and show respect?
It's mind boggling this is what things are coming to. Yet as every era in history has shown us, when people are subjected to poverty and suffering (when they had a taste of decent living), they tend to rise up - sometimes under the leadership of someone good, and sometimes under the ravings of madmen.
A quick search on YouTube brings up some ominous videos foreshadowing the type of sentiment that backs this so-called neonazi Golden Dawn.
All I can say is Thank You Goldman Sachs and George Bush for screwing the world up so badly that the Nazis are now back on the scene (and by thank you I really mean F-You).
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