Want to follow the Federal Reserve on Twitter?
Now you can @federalreserve
I'll give it to Bernanke, he will not allow the Federal Reserve to go down as being seen as the destroyer of the United States of America without a fight.
If you want to have a laugh in Twitter's search function type @federalreserve this will allow you to see what people are Tweeting about the Fed.
I applaud the Fed for engaging social media, but wow, they have really stoked the Twitter community to let out their pent up frustrations over the Fed on Twitter.
Some of the most recent tweets directed at the Fed:
@federalreserve I know chairman won't answer this but y r the words "people" mentioned the least in his speech & financials most?
@federalreserve #EndTheFed Why are we now bailing out Europe by buying their bonds with taxpayer money?
@DianeSawyer @federalreserve @ABCWorldNews he is the reason america is in the horrible position we are in. Him & Obama go hand in hand.
@federalreserve #EndTheFed I have to always find new places to eat lunch because the last place closed. Is this typical of a great economy?
#TopNewsUSA @federalreserve U CANT HIDE #13 Trillion U STOLE FROM #USA- FUCK UR #NWO NEW WORLD ORDER
@georgewashjeffe Yep ALL this @FederalReserve shiite is about CONVINCING ppl to BORROW #fiat so they can consume w/ it..#Stupid!
Now you can @federalreserve
I'll give it to Bernanke, he will not allow the Federal Reserve to go down as being seen as the destroyer of the United States of America without a fight.
If you want to have a laugh in Twitter's search function type @federalreserve this will allow you to see what people are Tweeting about the Fed.
I applaud the Fed for engaging social media, but wow, they have really stoked the Twitter community to let out their pent up frustrations over the Fed on Twitter.
Some of the most recent tweets directed at the Fed:
"The Federal Reserve followed sound risk-management practices under all of its liquidity and credit programs." @federalreserveBWAHAHAHA! No
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