I recently got an LED monitor and let me tell you it's night and day compared to my old LCD monitor.
I spend a lot of time at my PC and with my old LCD monitor it takes a toll on your eyes. I suppose it's a function of the flicker, refresh and resolution rates. Either way, by the end of the day your eyes are worn out.
Since using this LED monitor, I'm telling you, you can stare at the thing for hours on end and experience absolutely zero eye strain.
If you are still using an LCD monitor, do yourself (and your eyes) a favor and go get an LED monitor - you won't be sorry.
Every business should be using LED, PC productivity is so much higher when you aren't being fatigued by eye strain two hours in to your day.
I spend a lot of time at my PC and with my old LCD monitor it takes a toll on your eyes. I suppose it's a function of the flicker, refresh and resolution rates. Either way, by the end of the day your eyes are worn out.
Since using this LED monitor, I'm telling you, you can stare at the thing for hours on end and experience absolutely zero eye strain.
If you are still using an LCD monitor, do yourself (and your eyes) a favor and go get an LED monitor - you won't be sorry.
Every business should be using LED, PC productivity is so much higher when you aren't being fatigued by eye strain two hours in to your day.
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