So Apple will start making televisions soon. I guess it's not that much of a surprise. When you are dominating the market why not continue branching out and dominating other markets? That is after all how you keep profits growing.
Short term I think this is a great move for Apple and will generate even further PR glory. The ultimate model is for intelligent connectivity between all digital, internet-connected devices right? Have a television that is designed to interact with all your other Apple products is a giant leap in that direction (although personally I just view a television as a giant computer monitor at this point - at least for those of us who have already gone all-Internet for our digital needs).
Long term though I don't know if this is a great move for Apple. The Apple brand has always been that of rogue innovator. Breaking barriers and creating products that march to their own drummer. The problem with branching out in to more mainstream markets (especially ones that are quick to commoditize) is that consumers stop associating your brand with revolutionary technology. They begin to see you as just another big, faceless technology company.
I have to wonder if Apple is heading towards a state of irony. Their message has always been for consumers to rebel against technology that tries to control them...
And yet, as Apple branches out in to more and more areas, that is exactly the trap Apple is leading consumers in to.
The same phenomena is starting to happen with Google. You use to be able to go to YouTube and find clips of just about anything. I went to search for a 'trapper keeper' clip from an old South Park video (because it kind of applies to Apple's out-of-control growth) but you can hardly find a single South Park clip on YouTube anymore.
As companies grow exponentially it becomes harder and harder to remain true to their brand. YouTube is quickly losing it's position as the world's repository for all things video. More and more when you go to YouTube you can't find what you were hoping to find (whereas a couple years ago you almost always did).
Apple's move in to televisions will be hugely successful at first I would predict. But I also predict that moving beyond the PC / Mobility market and in to the more commercial television market will in many ways strip the excitement and prestige the brand currently enjoys.
The reason this is SUCH a big deal is that Apple is not as unique as everyone thinks. The only reason its competitors can't dethrone it is that it's brand is so strong. Consumers love Apple. Should they start to see Apple in the same light as Sony, RIM, LG, HP, etc. - then it's conceivable that they could start losing ground across their entire portfolio of products.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Getting to the top and staying at the top tend to be two different things. I personally wonder if Apple can protect its brand as it tries to grow ever larger.
Short term I think this is a great move for Apple and will generate even further PR glory. The ultimate model is for intelligent connectivity between all digital, internet-connected devices right? Have a television that is designed to interact with all your other Apple products is a giant leap in that direction (although personally I just view a television as a giant computer monitor at this point - at least for those of us who have already gone all-Internet for our digital needs).
Long term though I don't know if this is a great move for Apple. The Apple brand has always been that of rogue innovator. Breaking barriers and creating products that march to their own drummer. The problem with branching out in to more mainstream markets (especially ones that are quick to commoditize) is that consumers stop associating your brand with revolutionary technology. They begin to see you as just another big, faceless technology company.
I have to wonder if Apple is heading towards a state of irony. Their message has always been for consumers to rebel against technology that tries to control them...
And yet, as Apple branches out in to more and more areas, that is exactly the trap Apple is leading consumers in to.
The same phenomena is starting to happen with Google. You use to be able to go to YouTube and find clips of just about anything. I went to search for a 'trapper keeper' clip from an old South Park video (because it kind of applies to Apple's out-of-control growth) but you can hardly find a single South Park clip on YouTube anymore.
As companies grow exponentially it becomes harder and harder to remain true to their brand. YouTube is quickly losing it's position as the world's repository for all things video. More and more when you go to YouTube you can't find what you were hoping to find (whereas a couple years ago you almost always did).
Apple's move in to televisions will be hugely successful at first I would predict. But I also predict that moving beyond the PC / Mobility market and in to the more commercial television market will in many ways strip the excitement and prestige the brand currently enjoys.
The reason this is SUCH a big deal is that Apple is not as unique as everyone thinks. The only reason its competitors can't dethrone it is that it's brand is so strong. Consumers love Apple. Should they start to see Apple in the same light as Sony, RIM, LG, HP, etc. - then it's conceivable that they could start losing ground across their entire portfolio of products.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Getting to the top and staying at the top tend to be two different things. I personally wonder if Apple can protect its brand as it tries to grow ever larger.
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