So I use to follow RSS feeds through Outlook. It was an easy way to stay updated on feeds given I spend most of my time in Outlook. The only problem though my Outlook program started becoming very slow. After a little research I figured out that it was a result of Outlook refreshing my RSS feeds. Once I removed the RSS feeds from Outlook the refresh lag went away. FeedDemon screenshot I'm now using FeedDemon for my RSS feeds and I have to say, the switch has been a pleasant one. The last thing I wanted was yet another application to remember to use, but what can you do. I'd say right now I have about 30 applications that I use on a regular basis. It strikes me that there's a huge opportunity for someone to converge all these information applications in to a single Web-based interface - twitter, RSS feeds, flickr, YouTube, FaceBook, podcasts, news alerts, etc. Google has tried a little bit, but to be honest Google Reader doesn't have a pleasant interface to us...
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting it up and running so not much here other than the occasional post. I spend most of my time writing, but I hope to share some of my thoughts regarding my works as time goes on.