Well, the new book - Into The Strange - is almost done. I'm highly confident that I'll be in the upload process by the 11th at the latest (will update when it goes live). I didn't realize it, but this book is my largest to date (can't say for sure, but it should clock in around 460'ish pages). I'm going to be trying something new this time. I'll be launching the book at 99c. Not sure how long it will stay at that price, most likely between 15-30 days. I'm generally not a fan of 99c pricing, but this is a special exception. A few reasons for this: 1) I want to give back to fans who have followed me on this journey (especially everyone who has left reviews). This is my primary reason for launching at 99c. Doing so for 15 - 30 days is more tied to points two and three. 2) Amazon's silly store dynamics bump books on the new release list, and low-cost maximizes that process; giving them increased visibility. 3) I'm going to try and book...
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting it up and running so not much here other than the occasional post. I spend most of my time writing, but I hope to share some of my thoughts regarding my works as time goes on.