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Showing posts from January, 2017

And my personality type is...

Took a pause from writing to take the Myers and Briggs personality test. I used to take this thing once a year for like the past 15 years, but haven't done it in the past five years or so. For those interested in taking it, a quick version is here: Anyway, as always I'm an INFJ. Hasn't changed since the day I started taking the test. For those who have read The Fall of Man they won't be too surprised, definitely the "type" of book you'd expect out of an INFJ. Hey, I'll take it. Any category with Gandhi, Jung and Schopenhauer in it, is a good one. Mind you, Hitler and Bin Laden were also an INFJ, so there's that. For interested in INFJ's: INFJ PERSONALITY (“THE ADVOCATE”) The INFJ personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As Diplomats, they have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but ...

Chicago media is just pathetic

Media is so frustrating... The four kids who attacked another kid in Chicago is all over the news. Not going to comment on the incident but rather the media coverage. What's ridiculous to me is: None of the media seem to be talking to psychologists or sociologists to get expert opinion on why this kind of behavior manifests. Instead, it's just know-nothing reporters spouting off their opinions on why this happened. Honestly, I write fiction and it feels less made up than w hat these reporters do every day. This is directly contributing to the dumbing down of society, where opinion is being portrayed as intelligent insight - and then we wonder why people think that opinions are the same as facts. (If you type into google news "Chicago man attacked psychologists" you'll see no articles because there are none with any media speaking to a psychologist about this. Take out the word "psychologist" and there're a thousand articles). For the ...