Sorry for the delays in my Guide to Self-Publishing . I was writing like a madman lately and just released my second book - The Fall of Man: System Crash . It may be a couple more months until I get the Guide done as I really want to power through and finish this series. I'm hoping to have the final book out in mid-2016. I've got some great tips and insights though, so hopefully the wait will be worth it. For instance, when it comes to marketing stay away from Facebook. Took me a while to understand the whole Facebook paradigm and let's just say, it's a black hole of wasted money (despite what many "marketers" may tell you). FB is a bad venue for self-publishing authors, with a few exceptions. It's really a place for big businesses that want to reach millions of people on the cheap (it's cheap for them, it won't be for you). But suffice to say, I'll definitely be blogging more once I get this third book done (and I'll have a post ...
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting it up and running so not much here other than the occasional post. I spend most of my time writing, but I hope to share some of my thoughts regarding my works as time goes on.