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Showing posts from August, 2014

Next time someone asks you "What is the value in PR?", Show them this video!

While this video has nothing to do with PR, it's actually the perfect symbolic representation of what PR can do for organizations. Too often people think you have to spend a million dollars to get a big return, but sometimes it's just about taking a small step in the right direction and letting a chain reaction occur. The little domino to me represents the beginning of the communications process and the final domino falling is the establishment of brand value and stakeholder network.

Love innovation? This dino is super cool

I'm pretty negative on the state of innovation in the world today, but these guys will give you hope that people are still innovating out there. Also goes to show if you have a cool product all you gotta do is let people see it. Sometimes the best PR is simply to show off what you got.

10 Reasons This Recession Will Never End: Update 7

My original 10 Reasons posts looked at the recession of 2008 and used 10 variables as benchmarks for assessing whether things were getting better with the economy.  To view the previous posts you can visit the following links: Top 10 Reasons This Recession Will Never End Update 1 Update 2 Update 3 Update 4 Update 5 Update 6 In my sixth update I basically said that it would be my final post on the topic. Yet, so much is going on in the world that I figured I'd do one last "last" installment.  And while this isn't actually a PR topic, in my view the state of the world is perhaps the most dominant variable in determining PR strategies. You can't pick message properly if you aren't aware of what is actually going on out there.  So without further ado, let's jump right into it.  1. Crashes hurt for a long time - both worse and better -  This variable has changed pretty radically since my last update. The stock market has gone WAY up...