Last month Sony released the Playstation 4. As it stands today you cannot find a PS4 to buy anywhere in the world! They are all sold out. You can still buy them off ebay though... at TWICE the original cost. So I started thinking, what the heck was going on. Did Sony do this on purpose? The old 'generate brand value through scarcity' tactic? For those who don't know, scarcity is one way of generating value in a brand. For instance, perhaps you are offering a new email service. If you just fling the doors open for everyone to join, people get less excited about it. If you launch with only 500 accounts available, suddenly everyone wants an account. Is that what Sony did here? I did some super quick number checking and it seems obvious to me that they did. Here's the breakdown: So far Sony has sold 2.1 million PS4's . So we know that they made 2.1 million of them for the launch of the product. We know t here are 70 million PS3s that have been sold sin...
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting it up and running so not much here other than the occasional post. I spend most of my time writing, but I hope to share some of my thoughts regarding my works as time goes on.